Pokemawn eex

So one day I was just sitting at my house and playing Kirby mass attack. I then heard a knock on my door. I went to get the box and it wasn't cursed jk is there any pasta where the game isn't cursed? So I broght the box up to my room and opened it. It was a copy of pokemon Y! I had never been able to afford it because I spent all my money on dum video games like  knuklez n sanic and murio and Luwigi super sauce pasta. So I pooped it into my wii and it worked then i suddenly rememberd that the wii don't take no cartages and so it spit it back out and the game got shot into some old mans butt and I had to fish it out with a rubber glove and a rusty fishing hook. So I got it out and teh man was mad so I ran away and gave it a proper cleaning and the game zapped me into it!
So I was sleeping not knowing what happened and then I heard a flap of wings and then another and then another getting closer and closer. And then I was violently dive bombed by a bird. I was getting mauled and I smacked the bird out of the way. I then kicked it and it helplessly whimpered downstairs because I had broken twenty out of the twenty nine bones in its body. Then I went downstirs to kick it some more. Then my mom said some crap about moving and and crap. So she said go upstairs and get dressed. The bird was behind her. I went to go get it but she stopped me And she said more crap about getting dressed so I did I tried to open my closet to get my clothes, but it just made a weird vibrating sound and so I looked in the mirror to see what I looked like and I was different and I herd a voice coming from a narrator, James looked into the mirror, and then everything was black and then everything was visible again and I was changed. I then thought wat was dis? illuminati? Shrek? I don't know so I went downstairs and my mom was gone! Then I went to go into houses to see if people were there but instead was just people. So I saw a pokeball on teh grownd and i pickeed it up and then countinued with my journey. so i went into a patch off tall grass and then nothing happened and I went through everywhere and there were no sighns of anything and then shrek came up and said what are you doing in my swamp!?!?!??! and I had to run away from him and he pinned me to a corner. And I through out my pokeball and it waz the bird and it started mauling me more. Then the evil professor person came up to me and said hey, want to kill shrek i said yes and he equipped me with a dubstep gun. tthen i blasted shrek and I won and lived happily ever after 
Then LOLSKELETONS came out of the sky and shouted at me because my trollpasta wasn't good enough. But I said I ran out of motivation because now shrek was gone. So he sumened shrek with his trollpasta power and he teleported away. But I just said " I'm kinda of just don't want to write about some random person getting chased and or raped by shrek so can u just go away?" They looked at each other and went away. Then the bird came back but this time, he was big and stuff and he shouted "DEFEATED NOW BEEATCH?!?" Then he dive bombed me and I said swag mode activate. Then I tore of my pants and shirt and put on sunglasses and triple kick flipped his face and he flew across the world and hit me in the back of the head and nicked me out. 
I woke up in my house again this time I could open things and stuff. So I left my room and orderd a pizza it waz good but I forgot I had no muney and I got stuffed into a foxy fasfox suit. And then I was preformin for kids and I slapped chickas butt because I felt like it. And for some ubrupt reasons Evryone looked at me. Then I locked them in the security office except chicka and I slapped her butt some more. Then I was drowned it a sea of birds. 
Cheesy ending